Creating Custom Syntax

This tutorial explains the process of creating small custom syntax that link to functions, and making these available to the compiler.

This tutorial is designed for people looking to write custom syntax within Skript itself, not as a full external library.

If you are looking to make a full library in Java with advanced syntax, see here for details.

Getting Started

ByteSkript allows very basic custom syntax (effects, expressions, properties) to be created.

This is done by adding a special syntax entry to a function, so that when the syntax is used it will reference your function internally.

We can create a basic effect by specifying the effect pattern.

function my_function:
        effect: my [cool] effect
        print "hello!"

Currently, this effect cannot be used, since the ByteSkript compiler does not know about it. In order to use it we must compile this class and add it to the libraries/ folder.

This can be done using the compile command.

java -jar path/to/ByteSkript.jar compile

We can then find the script's output in the compiled/ folder. It will be named

Once we move this file to the libraries/ folder, our new syntax will be available to use as my [cool] effect.

Every time this effect is used, the compiler will trigger your function directly.

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