Creating an Expression

Expressions are value-providing language elements that go inside a line.

Most expressions will extend the SimpleExpression class, which deals with most of the basic functionality.

Other template classes exist for expressions with special behaviour.
public class ExampleExpression extends SimpleExpression {
    public ExampleExpression(Library provider) {
            provider, // your library instance
            StandardElements.EXPRESSION, // the syntax type
            "pattern goes here" // the pattern(s)

Most expressions will use the StandardElements.EXPRESSION enum. This tells the compiler what kind of language element it is, so that other syntax can filter it properly.

Adding Behaviour

The syntax class does not necessarily need to provide the functionality it promises. For simple things, methods can be specified in the handlers map for different states.

Below is a very simple example expression that returns the system line separator string.
public class ExampleExpression extends SimpleExpression {
    public ExampleExpression(Library provider) {
        super(provider, StandardElements.EXPRESSION, "example expression");
            StandardHandlers.GET, // this is used when in GET mode
            findMethod(System.class, "lineSeparator") // System.lineSeparator()

The GET handler provides behaviour for when this expression is being 'retrieved' such as being used in another expression or effect. This handler is the most common.

Expressions that support the set... and delete... effects would register handlers for SET and DELETE as well.

In this example, when the GET mode is used, the System.lineSeparator() method will be called.

Dealing with Inputs

Lots of expressions will have inputs where a particular %Type% is required. The user provides the value by putting another syntax in this slot.

These inputs will be put directly into the parameter slots of the handler method.
public class ExampleExpression extends SimpleExpression {
    public ExampleExpression(Library provider) {
            "example %String% expression %Number%"
            StandardHandlers.GET, // this is used when in GET mode
            findMethod(ExampleExpression.class, "myMethod", String.class, Number.class)
    public static String myMethod(String string, Number number) {
        return string + ", " number;
        // "hello" 6 -> "hello, 6"

For this example, when running the syntax example "hello" expression 6 the script would directly call our myMethod method from the class with those arguments.

Our method may not be available at runtime! See the Syntax Availability section for more details.

The arguments are always passed in order.

A user can give incorrect types to a syntax (e.g. through a variable) so it is recommended to make the parameters Object and check (or convert) their type where possible.

This is not required, and there may be situations where you do not want to handle this.

Return Types

Lastly, we ought to specify what type this expression returns (so that the syntax its used in knows what to expect.)

This is specified as a Type rather than a Class<?> since the type may not exist yet (if it is a custom type, for example.)

A Type can be created with new Type(class).

Common types (string, object, etc.) can be found in the CommonTypes class to avoid multiple of the same type object being created.
public class ExampleExpression extends SimpleExpression {
    public ExampleExpression(Library provider) {
        super(provider, StandardElements.EXPRESSION, "example expression");
        handlers.put(StandardHandlers.GET, findMethod(System.class, "lineSeparator"));
    public Type getReturnType() {
        return CommonTypes.STRING;

Our expression class will then need to be registered with our Library. If we are using the ModifiableLibrary template, this can be done in the library's constructor.

public MyLibrary() {
    registerSyntax(CompileState.STATEMENT, new ExampleExpression(this));

Compile States

Compile states tell the compiler where your syntax is allowed to be used. For expressions, this will almost always be in a statement (e.g. inside an effect.)

Syntax Availability

If the SkriptCompiler or SkriptJarBuilder tools are used, our syntax class will not be available in the output. As it requires our doSomething method, this syntax will not be usable at runtime.

This is done so that result-jars can be minified and run as a standalone program without needing the libraries to be packaged in.

Obviously, we need our syntax to work, so we have three options.

Use a Runtime-present Class

Firstly, we can call a method from a class that is available at runtime.

Our library may specify runtime dependencies to be exported to the compiled Jar file. We could call a method from one of those classes rather than a syntax class.

Extract the Method

Secondly, we can tell the ByteSkript compiler to export our method into the compiled script.

This can be done using the @ForceExtract annotation.

public static String doSomething(Object input) {
    return input + " blob"

The compiler will extract the bytecode source of our method and add it to the script's class as a hidden synthetic method, which will be called instead.

This means we don't need any runtime dependencies for our syntax at all.

This is not suitable for all methods.

  • If your method contains a lambda this cannot be exported (the dynamic instruction uses a local hidden class.)

  • If your method accesses a local field this cannot be exported.

  • If your method calls another local method this cannot be exported.

Inline the Method

Thirdly, we can tell the ByteSkript compiler to inline our method directly into the compiled script

This can be done using the @ForceInline annotation.

public static String doSomething(Object input) {
    return input + " blob"

The compiler will extract the bytecode source of our method and attempt to convert it and write it directly into the compiled script's code without a method call.

This means we don't need any runtime dependencies for our syntax.

This is a very dangerous extraction. It should not be used unless you understand how to balance stack frames.

Very few methods are suitable for inlining.

  • They cannot contain non-trivial jumps.

  • They cannot contain switches/throws.

  • They cannot contain more than one return path.

This is designed for very precise instructions where inlining would give an efficiency bonus.

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