
Data-holders inside a member.

Entries are data-structures found directly inside members, which hold data or meta-data about that member.

The most common entry type is the trigger which contains the executable code body of that member for standard operation.

Short-Form Entries

Short-form entries are relatively uncommon, and hold data in a key-value structure. These are suitable only for holding meta-data.

example member:
    entry: value // short-form
    entry: value // short-form

Long-Form Entries

The long-form entry is much more common, and is a block-section header. Almost all entries in the default Skript syntax library are long-form.

example member:
    entry: // long-form
    entry: // long-form

The trigger and verify entries are long-form entries.


Entries will vary as to how they will be compiled. Some may serve to give pre-compilation data and will not feature in the resulting class, whereas others might contain code or meta-data that needs to be available at runtime.

When compiling most entries in the v1 API, the context's MethodBuilder will be available.

Writing bytecode instructions from a non-trigger entry is not advised - the trigger may have already completed (calling writeEnd) so the instructions may not be compilable.

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