Conditional If/Else

Simple conditional branches for flow control.

The if/else section is the simplest and most common section, allowing branches in code based on certain conditions.

It forms a tree structure of possible branches.

if %Boolean%:
    // branch 1
else if %Boolean%:
    // branch 2
    // branch 3

If Block

These must always start with an if effect as the section header.

if "hello" is a string: // the (... is a string) expression = true
    print "yes"

If the boolean value in the if %Boolean% is true, the section under the if clause will be run.

Instead, if the condition fails, that section will be skipped.

if 1 is a string: // fails
    print "yes" // 
    print 1     // this will not be run
print "no" // skips to here

This can be used as an inline section as well.

if "hello" is a string: // fails
    print "yes"
    if 1 is 2 // skips to the end of this block
    print "uh oh... maths is wrong" // this will never happen
print "finished" // skips to here

That second inline if ... will skip to the end of the current code section, or to the end of the trigger if there is no indent.

Else If Block

An if-block may be followed by an else-if block. This will be run if the condition is met, like the if section.

if 1 is 2: // fails
    print "no"
else if 1 is 1: // tries this next
    print "yes"

If the preceding conditional section passes, the else if... will be skipped.

if 1 is 1: // passes
    print "yes"
else if 1 is 1: // skipped
    print "never run"

An else if... may not be used on its own. It must have either an if... or another else if... directly before it.

if 1 is 3: // fails
    print "never run"
else if 1 is 2: // fails
    print "never run"
else if 1 is 1: // run
    print "yes"
else if 1 is 1: // skipped
    print "never run"

After a match is found in an if/else tree, all following sections will be ignored.

Else Block

An if/else tree may be finished with one else block. This does not accept a condition, and runs if none of the preceding conditions passed.

if 1 is 3: // fails
    print "never run"
else: // run
    print "yes"

The else block will not be run if a preceding condition passes instead.

if 1 is 2: // fails
    print "never run"
else if 1 is 1: // passes
    print "yes"
else: // skipped
    print "never run"

Special Behaviour

Multiple conditions can be stacked on one section using a combination of inline and block headers.

if 1 is 1: // passes
    print "yes"
    if 1 is 2 // fails -> moves to the else
    print "never run"
else: // run
    print "this is run!!!"

This allows multiple conditions to be linked to the same branch of the tree to allow for more complex behaviour.

if 1 is 1: // passes
    if true // passes
    if 1 is 2 // fails -> moves to the else
    print "never run"
else: // run
    print "this is run!!!"

This behaviour is different from original Skript.

Last updated